Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm back with the Kardashians!

Heyya! It’s been a long time since I last posted an entry here. I’ve been really busy that’s why. I’m still busy at the moment but I’m back! I’ve missed a lot of “blog moments” – those times when I’m really itching to blog about something. I’m really encouraged to continue blogging after I read all the positive comments that people said about my blog. So here’s my first entry for 2011...

Since Gossip Girl is on a break right now and I’ve been seeing some episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on E! channel (Ch57 on Sky Cable), I decided to try watching the series from the very beginning. As of the moment, I’m done watching seasons 1 and 2 and the first three episodes of the third season. So far, I’m enjoying watching it and I think you could actually learn a thing or two when you watch the series (seriously). I’ve watched as the Kardashians resolve their personal and family issues and I could say that they are a tight-knit family. I envy them for that. I wish I have a family like theirs where everyone love and support each other. I’m not saying that their family is perfect. They also have their flaws but they make up for it.