Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm back with the Kardashians!

Heyya! It’s been a long time since I last posted an entry here. I’ve been really busy that’s why. I’m still busy at the moment but I’m back! I’ve missed a lot of “blog moments” – those times when I’m really itching to blog about something. I’m really encouraged to continue blogging after I read all the positive comments that people said about my blog. So here’s my first entry for 2011...

Since Gossip Girl is on a break right now and I’ve been seeing some episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on E! channel (Ch57 on Sky Cable), I decided to try watching the series from the very beginning. As of the moment, I’m done watching seasons 1 and 2 and the first three episodes of the third season. So far, I’m enjoying watching it and I think you could actually learn a thing or two when you watch the series (seriously). I’ve watched as the Kardashians resolve their personal and family issues and I could say that they are a tight-knit family. I envy them for that. I wish I have a family like theirs where everyone love and support each other. I’m not saying that their family is perfect. They also have their flaws but they make up for it.


Boy Takaw said...

All families are dysfunctional. It's called "normal" :p Good morning! What are your other favorite TV series?

sweet and spicy said...

I also like Ugly Betty, Gossip Girl, Heroes and Prison Break. Although I wasn't able to watch all the episodes of Heroes and Prison Break.